I truly believe you know your body best. I will act as a facilitator of health to help you be the best version of yourself.
I’m Leah Henderson - Osteopathic Manual Practitioner and Registered Kinesiologist
Growing up in a small town Southern, Ontario I dreamed wildly and explored daily. My interests include all physical activity and anything outdoors, especially sports.
These passions led me to study kinesiology at McMaster university while playing varsity soccer. It was during this time that I sustained several injuries including a serious concussion that left me feeling confused and alone. Luckily, I had an amazing multidisciplinary team of health care professionals that provided me with the support I needed to fully recover.
It was during this recovery that I was introduced to the field of osteopathy. This interest eventually led me to completing a Diploma in Science of Osteopathy at the Canadian College of Osteopathy. I then furthered my post-graduate education with a Masters in Kinesiology and a Diploma in Neuroscience at York University where I specialized in concussion research.
Recently I have completed courses at The Institute of Functional Medicine and am currently enrolled in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. I firmly believe nutrition and physiology are essential to a person’s health and well-being.
I am always interested in learning and I am constantly on the lookout for courses that will further enrich my understanding of the human body and health.

Every person is unique with their own lived history and story. Genetics, biomechanics, and environment all impact health, which is why every client receives individualized care. The goal is to teach you how to listen to your body, to recognize when things are not quite right, and to take proactive control over your health.
A multidisciplinary approach is often required which is why I use osteopathy as a foundation but incorporate functional medicine and nutrition into my practice. If referrals are required I have a wonderful group of colleagues I trust.

Diploma in Osteopathy Manual Practice. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2019.
Master Of Science. York University: 2019.
Diploma in Neuroscience. York University: 2019.
Honours Bachelor of Arts (Gerontology). McMaster University: 2009.
Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology. McMaster University: 2008.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition: 2022.
Advanced Pediatrics & Neonatology. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2020.
Mobilization of the Cranial Nerves. Anne Hartley: 2019.
Endocranial Spasms Part 2. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2018.
Clinical Approaches to Assessment and Treatment for Persistent Concussion Symptoms. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2018.
Mitchell Muscle Energy Technique: Muscle Energy of the Pelvis and Lumbar Spine. Canadian Athletic Therapy Association: 2018.
Advanced Vestibular Rehabilitation. Bernard Tonks: 2018.
Vestibular Rehabilitation. A Comprehensive Introduction. Bernard Tonks: 2018.
Osteopathy and Obstetrics. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2017.
The Normalization of the Dynamics of the Encephalon and the Treatment of the Sequelae of Concussions. Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques: 2017.
The Art of Osteoarticular Adjustment. Canadian College of Osteopathy: 2016.
Compression Therapy and it’s Application in Management of Chronic Venous Disorder. Sigvaris: 2016.